Recipient Requirements

Recipient Requirements

  • Research must be conducted at non-profit, US-based institutions with the capacity for research programs suitable to research in the field of probiotics
  • All partners must sign a “Research Grant Agreement”, which outlines:
    1. Information on institutional overhead fees and clearances;
    2. Use of funds;
    3. Ownership of results; and
    4. Any restrictions.

The Global Probiotics Council will provide the “Research Grant Agreement” to be signed upon acceptance of the grant.


Grant funds would not be transferable if the grant recipient transfers to a new institution during the period of the award.


If the grant recipient receives an additional new grant, and the grant recipient is unable to devote adequate time to the grant, the grant must be forfeited.

Budget Revisions

The Global Probiotics Council must approve any significant change in the budget that was originally submitted.


The Global Probiotics Council reserves the right to publicize the names of grant recipients, their institutions, and titles of their research projects. Grant recipients must acknowledge YIGPRO grant support on all publications of the research and must inform the GPC of any future publications and grant applications resulting from the grant.

Grant Recipient Expectations

During, or immediately following the funding year, grant recipients agree to:

  • Submit a 1-2 page progress report due mid-way through the year;
  • Provide final Abstract and Scientific/ Fiscal Report in writing;
  • Present research to the GPC and YIGPRO Selection Committee; and
  • Keep the Global Probiotics Council informed of any publications, agents, collaborations, and other activities resulting from receipt of the YIGPRO grant.